Many people whether they have been self-employed or worked for a corporation have saved up funds either in their 401K or IRA funding. There is now a way to access those funds to buy a business without facing an IRS penalty. A company called based in PA have for years been assisting clients to access their retirement funds to buy a business or franchise. When you are ready, please contact your Business Broker World representative so they can put you in touch with the right party.

In some cases, entrepreneurs may decide that the best option for financing a business or franchise is to access funds in an existing retirement account. From an IRA to a 401(k) and other types of retirement accounts, accessing existing financial resources that would otherwise go unused can, in many cases, be an excellent way to initiate and develop a long-term ongoing business concern. As a note of caution, those choosing to access retirement funds should exercise extreme caution prior to disturbing an existing retirement nest egg. That said, there have been many success stories over the years with regard to those who have seized opportunities by leveraging financial assets in a retirement account. Ultimately, a prospective business owner or entrepreneur is the only one who can make this type of decision.

Business Broker World works closely with clients to ensure that all other financing resources have been exhausted prior to considering retirement funding options. If this option is right for the client we direct that client to financial experts who can assist in this capacity.

Business Broker World

Business Broker World is the Premier Restaurant Business Brokerage and Commercial Real Estate Firm in the South West Florida. Nobody SELLS more restaurants than Business Broker World. We specialize in the sale of existing restaurants and operating businesses, Commercial Real Estate leasing, and investment property.