Franchise conversion is also known as franchise development is the process under which an already established, successful business goes through to become an turnkey ready to sell franchise. This is an exciting step for any business owner to transition their concept into a model that can be marketed and sold to others as a franchise brand.
How much does it cost to develop a franchise?
The cost of developing a franchise is highly affordable. Consider the outlay a fraction of what can be earned from the sale of a handful of franchises. In truth, Business Broker World has kept the franchise development cost, consulting and training to about half what a big name business law firm might charge. We are committed to entrepreneurship and want to make it possible for any business owner with a unique concept and the desire to become a franchise. No two franchise projects are alike. There are many variables that determine the final agreed price. However, we can get creative so long as we have a reasonable amount of money down.
If you think you have a unique business concept that you would like to have evaluated for a franchise conversion, contact us for a complimentary consultation
Business Broker World
Business Broker World is the Premier Restaurant Business Brokerage and Commercial Real Estate Firm in the South West Florida. Nobody SELLS more restaurants than Business Broker World. We specialize in the sale of existing restaurants and operating businesses, Commercial Real Estate leasing, and investment property.